Kontakt Content Management Service (KCMS)
Kontakt Content Management Service (KCMS) provides our clients with building and maintening web sites. Is it currently the only service we offer. It constists of two parts, an Adminstration Panel to create the web pages for your web site and the Kontakt Web Display Engine is the software that displays you web site. If you are a current client that has a web site with Kontakt Software you can access the Adminstration panel here.
The Hosting Fee occurs ever 1st of the month. The Hosting Fee covers these items:
Metric Hosting Ltd. Annual Fee which includes:
One Free Domain Name registration (Strongly recommend clients do their own registration*)
The purchasing and upgrading of physical hardware, software and other technologies to operate Kontakt Web Display Engine
The backups of software and technologies for the web sites
Matomo - Web Analytic tool
Vimeo - A service that allows videos to be embedded on web pages for your web site.
Operating, upgrades and new enchancements or features** to the KCMS Adminstration Panel.
Clients can use the Adminstration Panel to create or change web pages for their web site. However, Kontakt Software offers content management service to create or change web pages on your web site. The charge is $17 for the month. If no work is done for the month there is no charge.
If you are Saskatchewan Member of the Legislature looking for a web site, these additional services might be if interest to you.
Please click here for Kontakt's policy on pricing and refunds.
* - Please email support@kontakts.ca to inquiry further.
** - Some enchancements or features might have an additional cost. Please read Kontakt's Pricing Policy.
Kontakt Content Management Service (KCMS)
Kontakt Content Management Service (KCMS) provides our clients with building and maintening web sites. Is it currently the only service we offer. It constists of two parts, an Adminstration Panel to create the web pages for your web site and the Kontakt Web Display Engine is the software that displays you web site. If you are a current client that has a web site with Kontakt Software you can access the Adminstration panel here.
The Hosting Fee occurs ever 1st of the month. The Hosting Fee covers these items:
Metric Hosting Ltd. Annual Fee which includes:
One Free Domain Name registration (Strongly recommend clients do their own registration*)
The purchasing and upgrading of physical hardware, software and other technologies to operate Kontakt Web Display Engine
The backups of software and technologies for the web sites
Matomo - Web Analytic tool
Vimeo - A service that allows videos to be embedded on web pages for your web site.
Operating, upgrades and new enchancements or features** to the KCMS Adminstration Panel.
Clients can use the Adminstration Panel to create or change web pages for their web site. However, Kontakt Software offers content management service to create or change web pages on your web site. The charge is $17 for the month. If no work is done for the month there is no charge.
If you are Saskatchewan Member of the Legislature looking for a web site, these additional services might be if interest to you.
Please click here for Kontakt's policy on pricing and refunds.
* - Please email support@kontakts.ca to inquiry further.
** - Some enchancements or features might have an additional cost. Please read Kontakt's Pricing Policy.